pocket book

美 [ˈpɑːkɪt bʊk]英 [ˈpɒkɪt bʊk]
  • 网络口袋书;袖珍书;口袋本
pocket bookpocket book


pocket-sized paperback book
Synonym: pocketbook pocket edition


  1. This application is necessary for people who are interested in Bible and want it to be their pocket book !


  2. He bought a pocket book to read on the train .


  3. Just look at my pocket book .


  4. Open up your pocket book .


  5. If you have a Taurus date , you 'd better have a big pocket book or a rich imagination .


  6. If all that debt isn 't enough to pinch your pocket book , the loss of value in your investment certainly could .


  7. But being wrong and not taking the loss , that is what does the damage to the pocket book and to the soul .


  8. If Washington were less committed to austerity than it is , higher public investment could substitute for the anaemic middle-class pocket book .


  9. Cost - compared to brand-name computers the clone will generally be easier on your pocket book when purchasing one with similar features as its brand-name counterpart .


  10. He was interested in buying The Pocket Book of Ogden Nash but claimed it was overpriced at 35 cents .


  11. Governments in the US and especially Europe have been worried about sanction in whole section in the Russian economy for fear that could rebound and hit their own citizens in the pocket book .


  12. TAURUS ( Apr. 21 - May 21 ) Ready to spend some money ? If you have a Taurus date , you 'd better have a big pocket book or a rich imagination .


  13. The existence got in crack-In terms of Lo Yin s existence ; Mr. Green was very worried at the thought of & 50 that he had put in his pocket book and left on the train .


  14. It is a dispute that will hit the pocket book of a key supplier to some of the world 's footwear giants and to the workers themselves . It 's also a stark reminder that China 's labor force is aging .


  15. It must have fallen out of his pocket or book .


  16. I had not known him for20 years without learning that he always kept in the left hip pocket the little book in which he put down his engagements .
